Student Health and Wellness! mystudentplan provides health, prescriptions, dental, mental health care plus additional benefits for eligible students.


Health Benefits

The student health plan helps keep health care costs affordable so you can stay healthy and focus on your studies.

These are the different categories and coverages included:

Health Benefits Coverage
Vision -
  • Up to $60 for one eye examination. The exam must be by an ophthalmologist or optometrist.
  • Up to $100 for eye glasses or contact lenses.

The vision coverage renew every 24 months from the initial date of service. Coverage is based on reasonable and customary charges.

Paramedical Practitioners 80%

Student benefits are payable after any Provincial Health Care benefits have been exhausted. This plan does not cover user fees.

The services of the following practitioners are covered up to $30 per visit to a maximum of $300 based on reasonable and customary charges, per practitioner, per benefit year.

Practitioners must be registered and licensed in their field of practice.

Mental Health Practitioners 80%

A combined up to $30 per visit to a maximum of $300 per benefit year based on reasonable and customary charges.

Practitioners must be registered and licensed in their field of practice.

Medical Equipment & Supplies 100%

The plan covers reasonable and customary charges for eligible equipment when prescribed by a physician, podiatrist, chiropodist, or chiropractor.

Prescription and pre-authorization may be required.

Ambulance 100%

This coverage is applied after the provincial deduction.

The plan covers a licensed ambulance or emergency service that transports the patient to the nearest hospital equipped to provide the required treatment when the physical condition of the patient prevents the use of another means of transportation.

Private Duty Nurse 100%

Maximum of $10,000 per benefit year of the services of a Private Duty Nurse, when certified in writing as medically necessary by the attending physician. To establish the amount of coverage available under this policy, we suggest that prior to initiating home care, the student submit a pre-care assessment to the Carrier.

Limitations and Exclusions to Health Benefits

An exclusion is a condition or instance that is not covered by the Health Plan. It's important to review and understand exclusions to the plan before using your benefits.

Prescription Search Tool

The MB Provincial Formulary is a specific list of drugs that are eligible for reimbursement under your drug benefit. Formularies are reviewed regularly and as a result, updates are made on an ongoing basis. Last updated on October 15th, 2024. Over-the-counter medication is not covered by the plan.

To search for a specific medication (for example Ibuprofen), enter your drug name or DIN in the search box below and click on search.

Drug Identification Numbers must be 8 digits. If you have a DIN less then 8 digits, pre-fill with zeros.