Student Health & Wellness!mystudentplan is a benefits plan for students and can provide coverage for prescription drugs, vision care, dental care, mental health counseling, and more. The plan is designed to supplement provincial health insurance and provide additional access to medical services.


Plan Details

The Student Plan covers prescription drugs, vision, dental care, paramedical practitioners, ambulance, and medical equipment & supplies, among others.

Extended Health Coverage

Your extended health coverage runs for as long as you remain an enrolled and eligible student at University of Regina. For more information about enrollment and eligibility, please visit the Plan Enrollment section.

Plan Leaflet

Get a summary of eligible expenses and maximum reimbursements of your Health and Dental Plan.

Plan Card

Your Plan Card allows you direct billing with pharmacies and dental offices.

Select Savings

Get a student discount and save money on certain eligible services by visiting one of our members.

The following is the coverage for your Health Plan:

Health Benefits Coverage
Prescription Drugs 80%

Maximum of $5000 per benefit year. The maximum amount payable to an eligible brand name drug will be limited to the lowest priced item in the appropriate generic category.

Smoking Cessation products legally requiring a prescription to a maximum of $500 per benefits year.

Vaccinations are covered for a maximum of $150 per benefit year. Administration costs associated with providing the injection are not covered.

The Prescription Drug coverage is coordinated with the Saskatchewan Special Support Program, students must register for this plan.

Advise your doctor and pharmacist that you are on the Saskatchewan Provincial Formulary.

Prescription Search Tool

Please use our Prescription Drug Search Tool to find out if your medication is covered by the plan.

Drug Exception Process

In the event that the drugs covered are not effective in treating your condition, or a drug that is effective is not covered, an exception process is in place. Download the Drug Exception Form for your general practitioner to fill out, and they can send the form directly to Canada Life on your behalf.

Vision -
  • $50 for one eye examination. The exam must be by an ophthalmologist or optometrist.
  • $100 for eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  • $150 for laser eye surgery per benefit year.

The eye examination and eyeglasses or contact lenses coverage are every 24 months from the initial date of service based on reasonable and customary charges.

Paramedical Practitioners 100%

Student benefits are payable after any Provincial Health Care benefits have been exhausted. This plan does not cover user fees.

The services of the following practitioners are covered for $40 per visit to a maximum of $300 based on reasonable and customary charges, per practitioner, per benefit year.

Practitioners must be registered and licensed in their field of practice.

Psychologist or Social Worker 80%

A combined maximum of $400 is based on reasonable and customary charges per benefit year. Practitioners must be registered and licensed in their field of practice.

Medical Equipment & Supplies 100%

The plan covers reasonable and customary charges for eligible equipment when prescribed by a physician, podiatrist, chiropodist, or chiropractor.

Prescription and pre-authorization may be required.

Hospital 100%

Your plan covers the cost of an upgrade from a public ward to a semi-private room. Other hospital charges incurred during a person's hospital stay are covered to a maximum of $25 per day, for a maximum of 30 days per period of hospitalization.

Private Duty Nursing 100%

Maximum of $25,000 every 3 benefit years for the services of a Private Duty Nurse, when certified in writing as medically necessary by the attending physician. To establish the amount of coverage available under this policy, we suggest that prior to initiating home care, the student submit a pre-care assessment to the carrier.

Diagnostic Services 100%

Your plan covers diagnostic laboratory and x-ray procedures, including radiotherapy and coagulotherapy based on reasonable and customary charges, performed in the student's province of residence are covered when coverage is not available under a government provincial plan.

Ambulance 80%

The plan covers reasonable and customary charges for a licensed ambulance or emergency service that transports the patient to the nearest hospital equipped to provide the required treatment when the physical condition of the patient prevents the use of another means of transportation.

Emergency Travel Assistance - Emergency Out of Province Medical and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage 100%

Provides coverage of up to a maximum of $5 million per insured person per coverage period for certain expenses incurred as a result of an emergency while travelling on trips that originated from your Canadian province or territory of residence. It is important to remind you that this coverage is not available in the province where you attend the school or in your country of origin. Your coverage period is 180 days per trip. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions provided in the Benefits Booklet.

This insurance product is underwritten by AIG Insurance Company of Canada. If you are travelling, download the Travel Medical Assistance Card.

Policy Number: SRG 9429072

You are eligible for this travel coverage when you are:

  • an active member of the health plan,
  • under the age of seventy (70), and
  • are covered under a hospitalization and medical plan of a Canadian province or territory or equivalent.

Spouse and Dependent Children of a person eligible for this coverage who are, under the age of seventy and covered under a hospitalization and medical plan of a Canadian province or territory or equivalent, are eligible if the additional family health coverage was purchases for the current benefit period.

Other Insurance -

The student plan also offers the following complementary insurances:

These insurances are only applicable to the Student. Family members added to the plan are not eligible.

Limitations and Exclusions to Health Benefits

An exclusion is a condition or instance that is not covered by the Health Plan. it's important to review and understand exclusions to the plan before using your benefits.

Dental Coverage

Your dental coverage runs for as long as you remain an enrolled and eligible student at University of Regina. For more information about enrollment and eligibility, please visit the Plan Enrollment section.

Plan Leaflet

Get a summary of eligible expenses and maximum reimbursements of your Health and Dental Plan.

Plan Card

Your Plan Card allows you direct billing with pharmacies and dental offices.

Select Savings

Get a student discount and save money on certain eligible services by visiting one of our members.

The following is the coverage for your Dental Plan:

The Dental Plan covers up a maximum of $750 per benefit year. Please submit an estimate/pre-authorization prior to any dental treatment plan exceeding $500.

Dental Benefits Coverage
Preventative Services 80%
  • Recall examination
    Once every 12 months
  • Initial or complete exams
    Once every 36 months
  • Specific or emergency exams
  • Complete series of x-rays and periapical
    Up to 16 films including bitewings, 1 in any period of 36 months
  • Bitewings
    Maximum 4 films every 12 months
  • Panoramic
    1 in any period of 36 months
  • Polishing
    1 unit every 12 months
  • Scaling
    3 units per benefit year
  • Fluoride
    Once every 12 months
  • Oral hygiene instruction
    Once every 12 months
  • Pit and fissure sealants
  • Removal of impacted teeth
  • Anaesthesia
    Eligible when done in conjunction with a covered dental procedure
  • Space maintainers and maintenance
    Under 15 years of age
Basic Services 70%
  • Fillings; amalgam, composite, acrylic or equivalent
    You are only covered for composite fillings in front teeth and pre-molars
  • Extractions, anaesthesia
    Eligible when done in conjunction with oral surgical procedures.
  • Except removal of impacted teeth which is covered under Preventative Services
  • Root canal therapy
  • Prefabricated metal restorations and repairs to prefabricated metal restorations other than in conjunction with the placement of permanent crowns
  • Root planing and occlusal equilibration
    Are each limited to 8 units per benefit year
  • Oral surgery
Dental Accident 100%

The plan covers the cost of the services of a dental surgeon, including dental prosthesis, required for the treatment of a fractured jaw or accidental injuries to natural teeth or jaw if caused by external, violent and accidental means.

Provided the services are performed within 12 months of the accident but excluding services required in conjunction with such injuries due to a condition that existed before the accident. Implants and treatment related to implants are not covered. If a dental accident occurs, the health plan's dental accident provision will pay benefits before the dental plan.

Pre-authorization required. An estimate for all dental accident services MUST be submitted to Canada Life. If you go ahead with treatment without a pre-determination being approved, you are doing so at the risk of the expenses being yours.

This coverage is under the Health Plan. You must be enrolled in the Health Plan to claim the dental accident.

Payment of dental benefits is based on the General Practitioners Dental Association suggested fee guide or the Insurance Reimbursement Rate set by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) when a fee guide is not available. For services provided by a dental specialist, payment is based upon the General Practitioners Dental Association suggested fee guide.

Alternate Benefit - When there are two or more courses of treatment available to adequately correct a dental condition, reimbursement may be based on the cost of the least expensive treatment, which provides adequate care to the Insured.

Limitations and Exclusions to Dental Benefits

An exclusion is a condition or instance that is not covered by the Dental Plan. it's important to review and understand exclusions to the plan before using your benefits.