Vision |
100% |
Up to $200 combined maximum for eye exam and prescription glasses or contact lenses.
The vision coverage renews every 24 months from the initial date of service. Coverage is based on reasonable and customary charges.
Prescription sunglasses are not covered by the plan.
Doctors' Notes |
$25 per note up to $100 per benefit year.
Paramedical Practitioners |
100% |
Student benefits are payable after any Provincial Health Care benefits have been exhausted. This plan does not cover user fees.
Practitioners must be registered and licensed in their field of practice.
Practitioner |
Coverage |
Chiropractor |
$15 per visit up to 20 visits per benefit year; plus 1 x-ray per benefit year |
Chiropodist, Podiatrist, Acupuncturist |
$20 per visit up to $300 for all practitioners combined per benefit year plus 1 X-ray by a Podiatrist per benefit year |
Registered massage therapist* |
$300 per benefit year |
Naturopath |
$250 per benefit year |
Osteopath |
$20 per visit up to $300 per benefit year including 1 X-ray per benefit year |
Physiotherapist* |
$55 per visit up to $240 per benefit year |
Speech therapist |
$250 per benefit year |
Doctors Notes |
$25 per note up to $100 per benefit year |
*physician's prescription/referral required for indicated services.
Mental Health Practitioners |
100% |
The services of a psychologist, counsellor/social Worker, master of social work or psychotherapist are covered by up to a $100 per visit and a maximum of $750 based on reasonable and customary charges per benefit year.
Practitioners must be registered and licensed in their field of practice.
Holistic Nutritional Consultant Included in the overall combined maximum of $1,000 per benefit year for Psychologist, Social Worker/Counsellor, Master of Social Work or Psychotherapist.
Ambulance |
100% |
To a maximum of $100 per occurrence. This coverage is applied after the provincial deduction.
The plan covers a licensed ground ambulance or emergency air service that transports the patient (student) to the nearest hospital equipped to provide the required treatment when the physical condition of the patient prevents the use of another means of transportation.
If the patient requires the services of a registered nurse during the flight, the services and return airfare for a registered nurse are covered.
Private Duty Nursing in the Home |
100% |
To a maximum of $25,000 per benefit year. Reimbursement for the services of a Registered Nurse (R.N.) or Registered Practical Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse (R.P.N./L.P.N.) in the home on a visit or shift basis.
No amount will be paid for services which are custodial and/or services which do not require the skill level of a Registered Nurse (R.N.) or Registered Practical Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse (R.P.N./L.P.N.)
A Pre-Authorization Form for Private Duty Nursing must be completed by the attending physician.
Medical Equipment & Supplies |
100% |
The plan covers reasonable and customary charges for eligible equipment when prescribed by a physician, podiatrist, chiropodist, or chiropractor.
Prescription and pre-authorization may be required.
Eligible durable equipment includes, but is not limited to, items such as:
- Compression Stockings - $50 per benefit year
- Wigs - $500 per lifetime
- Wheelchair/Scooter modifications/ repairs - $250 per lifetime
- Wheelchair Ramp (portable) - $2,000 per lifetime
- Patient Lift - 1 every 5 benefit years up to $2,000
- TENS Unit - $700 per lifetime
- Myo-electric arm - $10,000 per prosthesis
- External Breast Prosthesis - 1 per benefit year
- Blood Glucose Meter - $150 every 5 benefit years
- Contraceptives devices - $100 per benefit year
- Mobility aids, such as canes, crutches, walkers
- Braces, Crutches, Splints and Trusses. Not solely for athletic use.
- Prosthesis: The plan covers reasonable and customary charges for standard prosthetics, such as an arm, hand, leg, foot, breast, eye and larynx.
Custom-Made Shoes - Orthopaedics |
80% |
Your plan covers 80% of 1 pair, once every 3 benefit years, up to a maximum of $750 for custom made orthopaedic shoes.
Your plan also covers 80% of 1 pair, once every 3 benefit years, up to a maximum of $300 for custom made foot orthotics.
Footwear, when prescribed by your attending physician, podiatrist or chiropodist and dispensed by your podiatrist, chiropodist, chiropractor, orthotist or pedorthist.
IMPORTANT It is strongly recommended that a pre-determination/estimate be submitted to GreenShield to ensure that the guidelines set out by GreenShield for the payment of Orthopaedics are met and to confirm that your claim would be eligible.