Student Health and Wellness! mystudentplan provides health, prescriptions, dental, mental health care plus additional benefits for eligible students.


Dental Benefits

The student dental plan can ease the costs of regular check ups, cleanings and a variety of dental procedures to make a plan for your oral health.

These are the different treatments and coverages included:

Dental Benefits Coverage
Basic Diagnostic and Preventive Services 80%
  • Complete oral examinations once every 3 benefit years
  • Emergency and specific oral examinations
  • Full series X-rays and panoramic X-rays once every 3 benefit years
  • Bitewing X-rays once per benefit year
  • Recall examinations once per benefit year
  • Cleaning of teeth (up to 1 unit of polishing plus up to 1 unit of scaling) once per recall period
  • Topical application of fluoride twice per benefit year for covered persons 19 years of age andunder
  • Oral hygiene instruction once per lifetime
  • Denture cleaning once per recall period
  • Pit and fissure sealants on molars only
  • Space maintainers
  • Protective mouth guards once per benefit year
Comprehensive oral surgery 10%
  • Surgical exposure, repositioning, transplantation or enucleation of teeth.
  • Remodeling and recontouring - shaping or restructuring of bone or gum.
  • Excision - removal of cysts and tumors.
  • Incision - drainage and/or exploration of soft or hard tissue.
  • Fractures including the treatment of the dislocation and/or fracture of the lower or upper jaw and repair of soft tissue lacerations.
  • Maxilofacial deformities - frenectomy - surgery on the fold of the tissue connecting the lip to the gum or the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
other basic services 75%
  1. Basic Restorative Services:
    • Amalgam, tooth coloured filling restorations, and temporary sedative fillings.
    • Inlay restorations - these are considered basic restorations and will be paid to the equivalent nonbonded amalgam.
  2. Basic oral surgery:
    • Extractions of teeth and/or residual roots.
  3. General anaesthesia, deep sedation, and intravenous sedation in conjunction with eligible oral surgery only.
  4. Standard denture services:
    • Denture repairs and/or tooth/teeth additions.
    • Standard relining and rebasing of dentures, once every 3 benefit years, only after 6 months have elapsed from the installation of a denture.
    • Denture adjustments and remount and equilibration procedures, only after 3 months have elapsed from the installation of a denture.
    • Soft tissue conditioning linings for the gums to promote healing.
    • Remake of a partial denture using existing framework, once every 5 benefit years.
Comprehensive Basic Services 10%
  1. Endodontic treatment including:
    • Root canal therapy.
    • Pulpotomy (removal of the pulp from the crown portion of the tooth).
    • Pulpectomy (removal of the pulp from the crown and root portion of the tooth).
    • Apexification (assistance of root tip closure).
    • Apical curettage, root resections and retrograde fillings (cleaning and removing diseased tissue of the root tip).
    • Root amputation and hemisection.
    • Bleaching of non-vital tooth/teeth.
    • Emergency procedures including opening or draining of the gum/tooth.
  2. Periodontal treatment of diseased bone and gums including:
    • Occlusal equilibration - selective grinding of tooth surfaces to adjust a bite 4 time units per benefit year.
    • Bruxism appliance once every 2 benefit years.

The fees for periodontal treatment are based on units of time (15 minutes per unit) and/or number of teeth in a surgical site in accordance with the General Practitioners Fee Guide.

Periodontal scaling and/or root planing 80%

periodontal scaling and/or root planing 1-time unit per benefit year.

Major Services 10%
  • Standard onlays or crown restorations to restore diseased or accidentally injured natural teeth, once every 5 benefit years.
  • Standard bridges, including pontics, abutment retainers/crowns on natural teeth, once every 5 benefit years.
  • Standard dentures including complete, immediate, transitional, and partial dentures, once every 5 benefit years.
  • Standard repair or recementing of crowns, onlays and bridge work on natural teeth.

Payment of dental benefits is based on the General Practitioners Dental Association suggested fee guide or the Insurance Reimbursement Rate set by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) when a fee guide is not available. For services provided by a dental specialist, payment is based upon the General Practitioners Dental Association suggested fee guide.

Alternate Benefit - When there are two or more courses of treatment available to adequately correct a dental condition, reimbursement may be based on the cost of the least expensive treatment, which provides adequate care to the Insured.

Limitations and Exclusions to Dental Benefits

An exclusion is a condition or instance that is not covered by the Health Plan. It's important to review and understand exclusions to the plan before using your benefits.