Student Health & Wellness!mystudentplan is a benefits plan for students and can provide coverage for prescription drugs, vision care, dental care, mental health counseling, and more. The plan is designed to supplement provincial health insurance and provide additional access to medical services.


Online Forms

Are you covered by a comparable plan? Do you wish to cover your dependents? Or have you opted out of the plan and wish to be re-enrolled? Eligible Students may submit their online forms.


The fall deadline to submit applications is closed.

The following online forms are not available at this time:

  • Health & Dental Opt-Out
  • Health & Dental Family Add-on

The online forms for the spring 2024 term will be available on April 14th, 2024. The deadline to submit applications for new or returning starting spring students is May 14th, 2024.

The online forms for the summer 2024 term will be available on June 3rd, 2024. The deadline to submit applications for new or returning starting summer students is July 3rd, 2024.

Submitting Online Forms

Before submitting your online forms, please review the eligibility criteria and read the Terms and Conditions.

The summerspring term deadline to submit online forms is July 3rd, 2024was May 14th, 2024.

Opt-Out Application

Withdraw from the student benefits plan If you have coverage from a comparable Health and Dental Plan and do not wish to coordinate benefits.

Family Add-On Application

Extend your student benefits plan to your dependents by purchasing coverage to provide them with the same Health and Dental benefits.

Re-enroll Application

Re-enroll in the student benefits plan if you previously opted out or lost your comparable insurance coverage and are still eligible for the plan.

SU Benefits Plan Office

Phone: 403-220-3906
Address: 2500 University Drive NW
MSC 352
Calgary, Alberta. T2N 1N4

General Inquiries Line

Monday to Friday from 6:00am to 5:00pm MST

Phone: 1-877-746-5566 Ext. 7249