Student Health & Wellness!mystudentplan is a benefits plan for students and can provide coverage for prescription drugs, vision care, dental care, mental health counseling, and more. The plan is designed to supplement provincial health insurance and provide additional access to medical services.


Prescription Search

Want to know if your prescription drugs are covered by the Health Plan? Use the prescription search tool to find out.

The Formulary is a specific list of drugs that are eligible for reimbursement under your drug benefit. Formularies are reviewed regularly and as a result, updates are made on an ongoing basis. Last updated on March 15th, 2024. Over-the-counter medication is not covered by the plan.

To search for a specific medication (for example Ibuprofen), enter your drug name or DIN in the search box below and click on search.

Drug Identification Numbers must be 8 digits. If you have a DIN less then 8 digits, pre-fill with zeros.