Student Health and Wellness! mystudentplan provides health, prescriptions, dental, mental health care plus additional benefits for eligible students.


Dental Benefits

The student dental plan can ease the costs of regular check ups, cleanings and a variety of dental procedures to make a plan for your oral health.

These are the different treatments and coverages included:

Dental Benefits Coverage
Diagnostic & Preventative 70%
  • Recall examination
    Once per benefit year
  • One complete oral examination
    Every 3 benefit years
  • Complete series of x-rays (not eligible for dependents under 12) and periapical
    Maximum of 16 films including bitewings, once in any period of 36 months
  • Bitewings
    Maximum of 4 films per benefit year
  • Panoramic
    Once in any period of 36 months
  • Polishing
    1 unit per benefit year
  • Scaling
    2 units per benefit year
  • Fluoride
    under 19 years of age, 1 treatment per benefit year
  • Oral hygiene instruction
    1 treatment per lifetime
  • Pit and fissure sealants
    Under 19 years of age, 1 per molar in any period of 36 months
  • Anaesthesia
    Eligible when done in conjunction with a covered dental procedure
Minor Restorative 60%
  • Space maintainers and maintenance
    For children under 15 years of age
  • Amalgam and tooth coloured fillings
    1 per tooth in any period of 24 months
  • Stainless steel and plastic full coverage restorations
    For children under 15 years of age, 1 per tooth in any period of 36 months
  • Recementation of existing restorations
  • Denture adjustments and repairs
  • Relining, rebasing and tissue conditioning
    1 treatment in any period of 36 months
Oral Surgery 50%
  • Extractions
    Maximum of 2 wisdom teeth per benefit year
  • Anaesthesia
    Eligible when done in conjunction with oral surgical procedures
Endodontic 20%
  • Root canal therapy
Periodontic and Other Oral Surgery 20%
  • Occlusal equilibration
    Maximum of 4 units per benefit year
  • Periodontal appliances
    Maximum of 1 appliance per arch in any period of 24 months
  • Periodontal appliance repairs, maintenance and adjustments
    Maximum of 4 adjustments per benefit year
  • Other oral surgical services

Payment of dental benefits is based on the General Practitioners Dental Association suggested fee guide or the Insurance Reimbursement Rate set by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) when a fee guide is not available. For services provided by a dental specialist, payment is based upon the General Practitioners Dental Association suggested fee guide.

Alternate Benefit - When there are two or more courses of treatment available to adequately correct a dental condition, reimbursement may be based on the cost of the least expensive treatment, which provides adequate care to the Insured.

Limitations and Exclusions to Dental Benefits

An exclusion is a condition or instance that is not covered by the Dental Plan. It's important to review and understand exclusions to the plan before using your benefits.