Eligibility Criteria to be automatically enrolled in the Student Benefits Plan.
All eligible domestic and international students who meet the following criteria are automatically enrolled in the Student Benefits Plan.
- Registered in an eligible study program, taking a minimum of one MacEwan University credit level course; and
- Assessed the Student Association Fee; and
- Residing in Canada studying in person or online; and
- Under the age of 70.
Enrollment Confirmation
To confirm enrollment in the Student Benefits Plan, you must check your term fees and search for the Health Insurance Fee and Dental Insurance Fee. If you find these fees, you are enrolled in the plan.
Steps to confirm enrollment
Step 1
Open your mobile or desktop Internet browser and go to your MacEwan student portal myportal.macewan.ca
Step 2
Log in using your MacEwan username and password to access the student portal.
Step 3
Click on the myStudentSystem link on the Quick links blue menu located on the left side of the screen. Then click on the Fees drop down menu and select Enrollment and Account Summary.
Step 4
The system will open a pdf file in a new tab. Scroll down to the second page to view the detailed term charges. If you are eligible for the Plans, you will see a Health Insurance Fee and a Dental Insurance Fee.
If you are unsure about whether you are eligible for the Student Health and Dental plan, please contact your Benefit Plan Office at macewanplan@mystudentplan.ca before any applicable deadlines.