Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact for claims related issues?
Students must contact Green Shield customer service directly to inquire about payment status and claims history details. Your Member Services Office does not have access to your claims details.

Who do I contact for eligibility and enrolment inquiries?
Students must contact the Member Services Offices for eligibility and/or enrolment status.

Why a health and dental plan?
Costs for dental and health services are at an all time high and show no sign of reprieve. Students on fixed incomes are especially susceptible to these increases, and the last thing they want to spend these fixed monies on is an unforeseen accident, dental or medical procedure. Putting even routine procedures off can have monumental effects for students, as missing classes or study time can have disastrous consequences. Considering these points, Ryerson Students' Union has worked to design and implement a reasonably priced health and dental insurance plan. This plan can aid students in maintaining a quality of health, which can ensure that avoidable medical emergencies do not endanger the pursuit of their studies.

Why is the plan mandatory?
With a mandatory plan, the insurance risk is spread over a larger number of students, thereby lowering the cost per student, making the fee in a range that is affordable to students. An individual health and dental plan can cost as much as 5 times the current student fee.

Is this plan the same as my provincial health care?
No. The Student Benefits Plan is an extended health and dental plan, which supplements your existing provincial health care. It DOES NOT replace your provincial health care. Student benefits are payable after any provincial health care benefits have been exhausted. This plan does not cover user fees.

How do I pay the fee?
The fees for the health and dental plans will be assessed automatically by the institution at registration if you meet the eligibility criteria previously listed.

What if I already have coverage?
Co-ordination of Benefits: Benefits under the two plans can be co-ordinated to increase your coverage up to a total of 100% of the actual expense(s) incurred. For example, following payment under this plan you can submit outstanding balances to the other plan for consideration.

Opting Out of the Student Benefits: If you are an eligible student and have comparable health and/or dental coverage you may apply t?o opt-out of the benefits. Each student is given an opportunity t?o opt-out of the benefits under the health and/or dental plan(s) each year. All Opt-Out Forms must be completed online or through the Member Services Office and must be received by the applicable deadline.

What if I miss the Opt-Out deadline?
You will not be able to opt-out of coverage at any other point during the school year. For example, if your program starts in September, you must opt-out prior to the end of the Fall deadline. The same rule applies for opting in (unless you lose your comparable coverage, see below for loss of coverage information). NO EXCEPTIONS will be made if the deadline is missed. It is the student's responsibility to pay the plan fees, should they miss the applicable opt-out deadline.

What if I or my family loses our comparable coverage?
If comparable coverage used to opt-out of the student plan(s) terminates, or coverage provided to cover your family terminates you have 30 days from loss of coverage to notify the Member Services Office in order to be covered under the health and/or dental plan(s). Confirmation of loss of coverage is also required on re-application for coverage. It is your responsibility to apply for benefits and provide payment of the family coverage fee prior to the 30-day deadline.

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