mywellnessplan: Mental Health Support for all students enrolled in eligible schools.
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Find your school, Student Association or Union
BCITSA - British Columbia Institute of Technology Student Association
Booth University College
CCSS - Camosun College Student Society
Collège Boréal International
CNC - College of New Caledonia
CSA - Concordia University of Edmonton Students' Association
GCSA - Georgian College Students' Association
Great Plains College
KSA - Kwantlen Student Association
LPSA - Lethbridge Polytechnic Students' Association
NAITSA - Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Students' Association
NBCCSU - New Brunswick Community College Student Union
NSCC - Nova Scotia Community College
OTSU - Ontario Tech Student Union
SABVC - Students' Association of Bow Valley College
SAMU - Students' Association of MacEwan University
SANQC - Students' Association of NorQuest College
SAOC - Students' Association of Olds College
SARDP - Students' Association of Red Deer Polytechnic
Southeast College
SPSA - Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students' Association Inc
Suncrest College
TMGSU - Toronto Metropolitan Graduate Students' Union
TMSU - Toronto Metropolitan Students' Union
Tyndale University
University of Guelph CSA and GSA (Main Campus)
University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus
URSU - University of Regina Students' Union
USC - Western University Students' Council - PurpleCARE
VSAOC - Vernon Students' Association - Okanagan College